Province Commander Nomination Form Pursuant to the Constitution and Bylaws, the Knight Commander has requested nominations for the office of province commander. Nominating Active or Alumni Chapter InformationYour Name*Province*Ammen (Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, D.C.)Chiles (Illinois, Missouri)Crawford (Florida)Dunwody (Alabama)Duncan (Texas)Feller (Tennessee)Frampton (South Carolina)Hardeman (Georgia)Irwin (Mississippi)Locke (Arkansas, Oklahoma)Neal (Western Empire)Smith (North Carolina)Traylor (Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia)White (Louisiana)Name of Active or Alumni Chapter*Your Office or Role in Chapter*Your Email Address* Your Phone Number*Nominee InformationFull Name of Nominee*Initiation Chapter*Initiation Year*Email Address* Primary Phone Number*NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.