Associate Director Chapter Feedback Visit InformationChapter Name*Your Name*Your Officer Title*Your Email* Your Phone Number*Visit Date(s)*Pre-visit FeedbackPlease rate the effectiveness of the Associate Director's communication prior to the visit.Which Associate Director visited your chapter?*When was the pre-visit packet received?*1-3 days prior3-7days prior1 week prior2 weeks priorWas the pre-visit packet clear and easy to follow with instructions?* Yes No Did you feel prepared for the visit?* Yes No Visit FeedbackDid the visit provide sufficient time to look into the following areas? Check all that apply. Alumni Relations Chapter Finances Council of Honor/Member Education Goals & Strategic Planning Housing Leadership Development New Member Education Public Relations Risk Management Recruitment Academice Performance University Relations Did the Associate Director arrive promptly and keep the meeting schedule as best as possible?* Yes No Did he meet with and promote good relations with the school administration?* Yes No Was he personable?*N/ANot at allBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageExcellentWas he professional?*N/ANot at allBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageExcellentRate the communication with the chapter as whole.*N/ANot at allBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageExcellentRate the communication with the officers individually.*N/ANot at allBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageExcellentRate the effectiveness in helping find solutions to problems.*N/ANot at allBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageExcellentIf there was a workshop or presentation, rate its benefit to the chapter.*N/ANot at allBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageExcellentFollow-up FeedbackDid you receive the Report 7 within 3 days of the visit ending?* Yes No Please rate its accuracy.*N/ANot at allBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageExcellentPlease rate its helpfulness to you.*N/ANot at allBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageExcellentPlease rate its reflection of areas identified during the visit.*N/ANot at allBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageExcellentIn your opinion, was the Associate Director's visit beneficial to the chapter? To you? Are there improvements to the structure, or even the Report 7 that can be made? Please be honest and give examples where applicable. Thank you for your feedback and your time!CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.