Create Your Legacy Today

Please use this simple online form to submit your intention to join the 1865 Trust and create your legacy for Kappa Alpha Order, today.

Personal, Chapter, and Contact Information

I have included the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF) as a beneficiary of my trust or estate plan in the following way:

Additional Information

Please fill out the appropriate questions below based on how you are adding the KAOEF as a beneficiary.

Bequest (Will or Living Trust)

Answer the below questions if you selected Bequest.

Retirement Plan

Answer the below questions if you selected Retirement Plan.

Charitable Trust

Answer the below questions if you selected Charitable Trust.
Please answer in $ amount.
Please answer in % amount.

Life Insurance Policy

Answer the below questions if you selected Life Insurance Policy.
Please answer in $ format.
Please answer in $ format.

Overall Estimated Value

The amount must be a minimum of $10,000 for inclusion in the 1865 Trust.
Please answer in $ format.

Gift Intention

Please help us know the how you would like to direct your gift.
I intend for this gift to be used for:

Donor Recognition

Please let us know how you would like to be listed in future publishing of the members of the 1865 Trust.
Spouse Name
Please write your name as your recognition of your intention to join the 1865 Trust and that the information on this form is, to the best of your knowledge, true and accurate.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.