Pursuant to the Constitution and Bylaws, the Knight Commander has requested nominations for the office of province commander.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are province commanders appointed?
At the 74th Convention in 2011, the delegates approved the amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws to vest in the Knight Commander the duty to appoint the province commanders.
From whom may he appoint a province commander?
The Knight Commander shall appoint a candidate nominated by a qualified Active or Alumni Chapter within a particular province.
Whom may the chapters nominate?
The province commander who previously held the office may be nominated along with any other members of the Order who are eligible and qualified.
What are the qualifications and who is or isn’t eligible?
Those members of the Order who have been a part or full time employee of the Order shall not be eligible to become a Province Commander until three full years have elapsed after his employment has terminated. The Province Commander shall not be eligible to serve as Alumnus Advisor of an Active Chapter except as allowed by the Knight Commander.
What is the initial process?
Upon the notification to the Knight Commander of a vacancy in the office of province commander, including the expiration of a province commander’s term of office, the Executive Director shall solicit nominations from qualified Active Alumni Chapters. This notification will include the Knight Commander’s request for nominations, a nomination form, and pertinent provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws.
To whom are nominations are submitted?
Nominations are submitted to the Knight Commander by sending them to the Executive Director. This can be done online or in letter form.
What happens when all nominees are submitted?
At the conclusion of the nomination period, the Executive Director will notify the nominee(s) that they, and any other nominees, have been placed into consideration for the office of province commander. They will have one week to reply in the affirmative that they will serve if selected. At the conclusion of the affirmation period, or earlier if all responses are submitted, the Executive Director will forward the names of the nominee(s) to the Knight Commander for consideration, investigation if needed, and appointment.
How will the Knight Commander choose a province commander?
If necessary, nominee(s) will then be contacted to arrange for an in person or phone interview with the Knight Commander. Staff will arrange for any required travel and interviews.
When is the process over?
After the nomination and affirmation process and any necessary interviews, the Knight Commander shall appoint a province commander.
How will notification be made?
A notification memo from the Executive Director will then be sent via email to all Active Chapters, Alumni Chapters, and Commissions, within the province boundaries, the same being sent to all Greek Life Professionals at schools with Active & provisional chapters. A list of duties will be sent to each new province commander. Upon the appointment of all province commanders, a full listing will be sent to the Advisory Council, KAOEF Board of Trustees, and Former Knight Commanders.
Constitutional and Bylaw Sections Concerning Appointment of Province Commanders
1-231. Designation. The Province Officers shall be a Province Commander and may include other officers as provided for in the Bylaws.
1-232. Term and qualifications of Province Commander. The Province Commander shall be appointed by the Knight Commander as provided in the Bylaws. The Province Commander shall serve for the term of the Knight Commander by whom he is appointed and until his successor is appointed and qualified. A member who has been a part- or full-time employee of the Order shall not be eligible to become a Province Commander until three full years have elapsed after his employment has terminated. A Province Commander shall not serve as an Alumnus Advisor or on an Alumni Advisory Committee during the term of his appointment.
1-234. Resignation or removal of a Province Commander. A Province Commander may resign by submitting his resignation in writing to the Knight Commander. Any Province Commander may be removed from office by the Knight Commander for cause with the consent of the majority of the Executive Council. Any Province Commander removed for cause may not thereafter be a candidate for Province Commander.
1-235. Replacement of a Province Commander. Any vacancy in any office of Province Commander created by removal shall be filled as provided for in the Bylaws.
7-115. Qualifications for appointment. A Province Commander shall be an initiated member of the Order and shall not be an Active Member.
7-116. Appointment. Upon any vacancy in the office of Province Commander, including the expiration of his term of service, the Knight Commander shall appoint a successor. The Knight Commander shall select an appointment for Province Commander from nominations submitted to the Executive Director by the qualified Active and Alumni Chapters within the province for which the successor shall serve. The Knight Commander’s appointee may be rejected by two-thirds of the qualified Active Chapters by filing written notice to the Executive Director within thirty days. If rejected, the appointment process shall restart.