On Saturday, August 12, 2023, during Meeting III of the 80th Convention held in Orlando, Florida, Knight Commander Simmons presented J. Colby Clark (Alpha Pi–Stanford ’22) with the Knight Commander’s Commendation. The Knight Commander’s Commendation was created in 2020 to recognize outstanding service and leadership to the Order by members of Active Chapters. It is the highest undergraduate award and is given at the sole discretion of the Knight Commander.
Colby is a senior at Stanford University where he studies Economics. He also has a minor in history, has worked as a Teacher’s Assistant, and holds a 3.97 GPA. Colby was initiated to the Alpha Pi chapter in 2022 and has served as Number I for more than a year. Alpha Pi and their more than 100 members are leaders on Stanford’s campus; the IFC President has been a KA for 4 years running, they maintain a strong alumni base, hold a 3.75 GPA, and have members on 8 varsity sports teams. This past year, Alpha Pi raised $10,000 and accomplished 150 hours of community service, mostly through tutoring middle schoolers attending the 49ers Academy in East Palo Alto. Colby is pursuing a career in finance; he is currently interning at Stanford’s endowment office, will be working for Maverick Capital as an investor after graduation, and hopes to attend Business School. Congratulations to Colby Clark for your leadership and service to KA and Alpha Pi Chapter.