Louisiana Tech Chapter Donates Track Chair to Wounded Veteran

Veteran in track chair with young men on football field

On Saturday, September 21, 2024, the Gamma Alpha Chapter at Louisiana Tech University presented U.S. Marine Corps Veteran Raphael Harris with an all-terrain track wheelchair. The Chapter honored Sergeant Harris on the field during the football game against the Univerity of Tulsa.

Harris enlisted in the US Marine Corps on July 18, 2011, as a Field Radio Operator.  Harris later deployed twice to Helmand Province, Afghanistan from 2012 to 2013 and on September 16, 2013, was struck by an IED while travelling in a military vehicle.

Harris eventually returned to service and completed three additional missions. Harris continues to suffer from a Traumatic Brain Injury, severe headaches, and chronic physical pain that has led to mobility issues.

“Receiving a track chair gives me the freedom to fully enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, nature walks, and camping with my family,” Harris said. “This will give me the ability to stay active and involved in my children’s lives without the inconvenience of my injuries holding me back.”

The chapter raised $20,000 for The Independence Fund to procure and outfit the chair for Sergeant Harris.

“We set up a see-saw in the middle of downtown Ruston and held a 36-hour see-sawathon,” Number I Zane McFarland ’00 commented. “On average, each member raised around $340.”

In 2016, the Zeta Phi Chapter at High Point University partnered with The Independence Fund and began a student-led initiative aimed at raising money to provide Track Chairs for wounded veterans. To date, KA chapters across the nation have raised more than $1.2 million for The Independence Fund and have presented 27 all-terrain track wheelchairs to catastrophically wounded veterans.


The Independence Fund

Founded in 2007, The Independence Fund (501c3) is committed to empowering our nation’s catastrophically wounded, injured, or ill Veterans and their caregivers. The Independence Fund strives to bridge the gap of unmet needs for Veterans and their families through tangible programs. The Independence Fund believes in fairness and equality for all Veterans and families irrespective of race, gender, religion, and sexual orientation, and will continue to uphold these American values.