Recommend a Member

Quite possibly the easiest way to give back to the Order is to supply our Active Chapters and Commissions with healthy recommendations for new brothers. Per the Kappa Alpha Laws each chapter should contact and consider the young man recommended and keep you informed as the “recommending brother.” No one, from the alumnus advisor to the Knight Commander, may interfere in an Active Chapter’s decision to grant a bid to young men. This is paradoxically very important and sometimes confusing. However, it is one of the foundations of our operating system:  Active Chapters primarily create the future of the Order…

Active Chapters

For recommendations to an Active Chapter you can consider relatives, friends, neighbors, and a whole host of other potential members. The requirements for membership are simple: a young man must be at least 15 years of age, be enrolled at the institution where we have an Active Chapter (or provisional chapter working toward a charter), and never have been initiated by a rival fraternity. Obviously recommended members need to be considered for their moral, educational, and personal attributes, with a strong reference to our values of gentlemanly conduct and excellence.


For recommendations to a Commission you may consider the same folks!  Commissions are unique in that they operate solely to initiate graduates of the institutions to where they are assigned; often times this means “current year graduates,” however all alumni of these institutions, meeting the same qualifications above, are eligible under Kappa Alpha Laws. View a list of commissions.

Best Practices

There are a number of tips you can follow to as best practices, should you fill out the online recommendation form. This form will be sent electronically to the Active Chapter Number I, IV (recruitment chairman), alumnus advisor, province commander, and relevant national administrative staff. From there, you should request the contact information for the Number I and contact him directly to remain apprised of the process.

Next, it would be especially important to have a discussion about Kappa Alpha Order with the young man you are recommending. Talk to him about why you joined, what you love about the Order, how it will relate to this young man, and why you have recommended him. Explain that the process is not full proof but that you have gotten the ball rolling and he will now have a chance to meet the brothers and get to know the organization. The impact this discussion may have on a young man is priceless.

Finally, follow up with the chapter and recommended young man. If everything proceeds accordingly, work to possibly to attend the young man’s initiation. Who knows, you might just create a new relationship between yourself and the chapter!