The Accolade for Interfraternal (originally “Interfraternity”) Service Award is the Order’s honor that recognizes individuals who have demonstrated outstanding service to the Greek or fraternity committee. The award was established in 1983 by the 21st Executive Council. The fall 1983 Journal explained the award as “an expression of Kappa Alpha Order’s continuing commitment to the American College Fraternity System and its purpose is to recognize and honor persons who have given outstanding service to the betterment of college fraternities and have contributed to Interfraternity advancement in various categories.” At the fifth meeting of the 26th Executive Council, at the Riverview Hotel in Mobile, Alabama, the first text was introduced into the Regulations describing the award, which read: “Accolade for Interfraternity Service. Established by the Executive Council in 1983.”
The Order’s 1993 Strategic Plan is found in the minutes of the Executive Council meeting held in Charlotte, North Carolina, of that year from October 22–23. One of the points listed toward the end of that plan addressed this accolade, directing the Council to: “Award the Accolade for Interfraternity Service to a deserving recipient annually.” That restriction was removed at some point in or after 1997.
“This award is an expression of Kappa Alpha Order’s continuing commitment to the American College Fraternity System and its purpose is to recognize and honor persons who have given outstanding service to the betterment of the college fraternity and have contributed to interfraternity advancements.” On May 17, 2000, the Executive Council amended the Regulations to include the following verbiage and description: “Accolade for lnterfraternal Service. There is hereby established an award to recognize individuals who have demonstrated outstanding service to the Greek or fraternity community. The award is granted by a majority vote of the Executive Council.”
William F. “Bill” Murray
Tau–Wake Forest, 2021 -
Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.
Gamma Chi–Texas Tech, 1970 -
Gregory R. Singleton
Gamma Gamma–Memphis, 1982 -
Henry Lee Nowell, Jr.
Delta Beta–Delta State University, 1964 -
Dr. Kent L. Gardner
Gamma Kappa–Oklahoma City, 1960 -
Dr. W. McLeod Frampton, Jr.
Beta Pi–Presbyterian, 1929 -
James R. Estes
Alpha Kappa–Missouri, 1960 -
Thad M. Doyle
Zeta Lambda–Bowling Green State, 1997